Our current Midweek Program curriculum is also written and published by Lifeway.
We use the "Good News" curriculum in the nursery and with grades preK-2nd and the "Forged" curriculum with grades 3rd-5th. This material also works flawlessly as a stand-alone program, so you never have to worry about whether your kids will be able to keep up with their classmates if they missed church last Sunday- they'll all be seeing the lesson material for the first time together!
** The "Good News" curriculum takes our younger kids and toddlers on a journey through the four Gospels that tell us about who Jesus is and why He came. The current volume explores the themes and purposes of the Gospels as they learn how each account of the same story seamlessly weaves different details together to share the Good News of Jesus and the kingdom of God in a fun, high-energy format that teaches kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him thru Bible stories, Scripture memory, mission activities, age-appropriate life application, and recreational games!
**The "Forged" curriculum is designed to sharpen upper elementary/preteens' worldview according to Biblical principles. As these kiddos move toward their teenage years the Bible can help refine their faith and prepare them to understand and interact with the world around them and the low-tech sessions in "Forged" are intentionally created to facilitate age-appropriate discussions on truth, identity, and relationships.
- DROP-OFF: Parents must drop-off AND sign-in their child in person at the Kids Ministry Sign-In desk for each class (children may not show up without their parent to class time) - this is for the child's safety
- PICK-UP: Parents must pick-up AND sign-out their child in person at the Kids Ministry Sign-In desk for each class (children may not leave class without their parent) - this is for the child's safety